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Yes, another cooking blog. Hey, I love to cook, try new things, and new ideas. I also love to bake, and decorate cakes. And that's just in the kitchen.....
Such a super easy thing to make. Simply take corn tortillas, cut them into 8ths, and fry. Add salt as desired. Sooo yummy with homemade salsa!
I have posted numerous times about this recipe. Since I keep making modifications to it and truly enjoy it, I'm going to post it here.
It's very simple. I use celery, carrots, green onions, zuchini, tomato, 1 tbsp onion soup mix, and olive oil.
Now, you can pretty much use any vegetable you like for this. For instance, in the picture posted with this I also had added asperegus since we had some in the house that needed to be used up. It was yummy. Or another time I didn't have a tomato (which I feel you definatly need to tie it together, but if your alergic of couse keep it out) so I opened a can of stewed tomatoes to use some of them. That ended in an interesting thrown together recipe later to use the remaining tomatoes. It's a fairly open recipe, so explore in the kitchen. See what tastes good!
This was another simple recipe that was perfect for a busy Wednesday. It's one that you don't have to hover over and worry that it will burn when you are bot looking. So I was able to cook a large pan of veggies that we can eat with dinner tomorrow. This dish was very savory and felt very homey.
This was a quick and simple recipe that was very filling. It makes a lot of food though! It's a great all-in-one meal since the veggies are added to the dish.